Complete any of the drawing prompts below & submit them any time to, or tag us on social media @_hue.studio_

Draw a Chameleon trying to blend in with something OUTSIDE of nature.

Draw your favorite foods having a conversation using social distancing.

Draw what you think a unicorn, or dragons bedroom would look like.

Draw yourself as a superhero. What would your superpower be?

Combine 2 animals into 1. What would it be called?

Draw yourself if you could breathe underwater! How can you breathe? What would you see?

Draw your parent’s as aliens! What are they doing that’s so out of this world?

Draw the BEST April Fools prank!

Draw your pet monster.

Draw a forest made of ____________.

Oh no! __________ ate my _________

Overnight my scalp sprouted ____________

An article of clothing, or an accessory in quarantine.

Make up & draw your own saying ex: “when pigs fly”, “raining cats & dogs”, “once in a blue moon”

I laughed so hard ________ came out of my nose

You’re an explorer & you discovered an island not on the map! What does it look like? Who/What lives there?

It’s your turn to make dinner, what’s on the menu?

You’re writing a story, who is your main character & what makes him/her special?

It’s 200 years in the future, what does NYC look like?

Who is coming to your zoom party this weekend? Give your party a theme!